
today, i realized...

when my dog dreams, it scares me.


today, i realized...(after cleaning my room)...

the shirt i wore on sunday still had the tag on it. and you could SO tell. shoot me now.



today, i realized...

despite knowing it's spelled with a "k", i always pronounce it, "jutebox." i don't know.


today, i realized...

pop-tarts taste totally different if you eat them frosting side down.


today, i SAY...

Happy Birthday, Rebecca! Miss you SO much!!


today, i realized...

sometimes i hear the first 5 seconds of a song and think to myself (or often times say outloud), "oh, i hate this song," and then find myself singing along 30 seconds later. the power of music. wow. :-)

today, i realized...

tom hanks has done a LOT of movies.


today, i realized...

it's very apparent that three girls share our bathroom.

today, i realized...

it's a crazy world out there.



today, i realized...

sometimes (or everyday at work) i answer the phone too fast and start talking before it's up to my mouth. embarassing.

today, i also realized...

no matter what john mayer song i buy, it's always good.

ps: in your atmosphere (live)

today, i realized...

it's really hard for me to eat the marshmallows and cereal together on the same spoon when i have marshmallow mateys for breakfast. ( i always think to myself, "i should be saving these marshmallows for the end...)


today, i realized...

the bad guys die with one bullet. the good guys can last through however many shots it takes to get them out of the situation and live on.


today, i realized...

friday the 13th doesn't really seem that cool anymore.


today, i realized...

funny commercials are the best.

today, i realized...

butterfingers really aren't that bad.


today, i realized...

breaking icicles off the roof is so much fun.

ps: so is licking them.